Wednesday, August 3, 2011

makeover of a garage sale find!

A few weeks back, I was riding in the car with my pops and drove by a massive garage sale...this resulted in giddy excitement.  Sadly, pops had a meeting he needed to get to and we couldn't stop.  As soon as I had access to a car I headed over to this treasure trove.  The fruits of my labor resulted in these beauts:

2 dollars a piece...jackpot!

I was in need of some chairs to go with the back porch fact the porch hasn't been used once this summer, depressing? I think yes.  I meandered over to Joann Fabrics and Crafts in search of some lovely fabric for my new found friends.  I ended up with a gorgeous outdoor blue and white patterned fabric.  Outdoor fabric is typically a pretty penny compared to indoor fabrics - good news though, Joann's usually has coupons out for around 40% off...use 'em!

The pending project sat in my garage for about a week...or maybe two? until I finally got down to business.  I hit up my favorite homestore ever, Lowe's, to buy some Valspar gloss spray paint in white.  It took just shy of four cans to complete the painting of the chairs - I would suggest just purchasing paint in a can as it would probably be a better bang for your buck...I was just feeling lazy ;)

The final product turned out a little something like this:

care to take a seat?

baby got back.

finished product.

I suggest sanding any project you're about to work on (assuming it's wood!) and depending on the color you're wanting to paint the project you may or may not want to prime.  Since I painted the chairs white, I didn't prime these puppies, just did several coats of paint. 

For reupholstering the chair, I'm definitely not an expert.  I traced the pattern of the seat onto the back of the fabric leaving enough room to have an ample amount of fabric for stapling.  It is entirely up to you on whether or not you would like to replace the foam padding (craft stores will have this!) I get a little excited when I do projects and I didn't replace the would've been an extra trip into town and I just wanted to get down to business - plan ahead!  Once you've sorted your foam and fabric begin to staple the fabric cut out onto the backside of the seat.  I'm still trying to figure out the best way to staple corners so if anyone out there has some tips, I'd LOVE to hear from you!!  Make any tweaks necessary and then you're ready to re-attach the seat to your newly painted chair!

Garage sale season = love.  Happy hunting!


  1. I have a set of four chairs that I think I have recovered at least two maybe three times (I like to change the fabric out) and the corners are always tough on me too! I don't really have a trick to it, just leave enough to gather and staple, I can send photos if you want to know how mine look. Super cute makeover though, I love the blue and white fabric

  2. Kara, I would love to see the photos! Since the post I've read to treat it like wrapping a present - and I totally hear you on liking to change fabric out. Why not? It is a cheap fix! :)
